Other Dept/Agency Permits

Building permits are only one type of permit you may need to get before starting work on your property. It is your responsibility to obtain ALL the necessary permits from the District of Peachland or other regulating agencies before starting. Review the list of permits below to see if any apply to your project.

Development Permit Areas

Peachland has a number of Development Permit Areas (DPAs) that are described in the Official Community Plan. These include:

  • Aquatic
  • Hillside (slope over 20%)
  • Terrestrial
  • Wildfire
  • Comprehensive
  • Intensive Residential
  • Revitalization
Check with Planning and Development Services or use the GIS (Geographic Information System) yourself (for a quicker answer) to identify any potential development permit areas that may apply to your property. If a DPA applies, you may need to get an approved Development Permit before a building permit can be issued.

Driveway Permit

Are you planning on creating a paved parking area, making changes to your existing driveway or looking to add a new driveway access to the street? You may need to obtain a Driveway Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.

Water/Sewer Service Permit

If you need to connect to, or repair a connection, for your water service, water meter, or sewer service, you may need to obtain a Water/Sewer Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.

Earthworks Permit

Moving, removing, or depositing soil on your property without an approved building permit may require you to get an Earthworks Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.

Tree Cutting Permit

Thinking of cutting down a tree on your property? Think again. You may need to obtain a Tree Cutting Permit. Contact the Operations Department for more details and for assistance on filling out the application.

Septic System Permit

Interior Health is the regulating agency for septic systems in the Peachland area. If you need information on an existing septic system or are looking to install a new one, please contact them at Interior Health Penticton Office.

Gas or Electrical Permit

If your project requires gas or electrical work, you may need a permit from Technical Safety BC