Council Highlights August 1, 2023

Special Council Meeting Highlights

August 1, 2023

Published August 1, 2023

Housing Accelerator Fund

Council directed staff to apply to the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) with an action plan of five initiatives the District of Peachland predicts will increase housing choice in the community. The Federal Government’s HAF provides incentive funding to local government to encourage initiatives that remove barriers to the housing supply with emphasis on low-carbon, climate-resilient communities with affordable and diverse housing options. Applications must include an action plan with predicted growth targets above what the community would typically grow. Peachland’s application will include these five initiatives:

  • Downtown Redevelopment Implementation Strategy – initiative underway (see below), anticipated completion in 2024.
  • Development Approvals Process Improvements – initiative underway, further improvements recommended.
  • Missing Middle Strategy and Infrastructure Capacity Review – Consider “plex” development ie: Where should it be? What servicing is required?
  • Encouraging and Incenting Secondary Suites and Accessory Dwelling Units.
  • Affordable Housing Reserve Fund and Affordable Housing Policy

If successful, Peachland could potentially access approximately $5 million in base funding and an additional $4 million if top-up funding targets are reached. The funding would be used to support these goals and can also be used to upgrade infrastructure to facilitate housing, support affordable housing, acquire land and construct amenities to support growth. Council’s Strategic Priorities align well with the intended goals of the HAF, with Council’s focus on a vibrant downtown, increasing housing choice and infrastructure improvements. View details in the Council Report.

Development Application Procedures Bylaw

Council adopted the Development Application Procedures Bylaw No. 2396 and the Zoning Bylaw No. 2400 as part of the District’s Development Approvals Process Review (DAPR) project. Prompted by a province-wide DAPR process and new funding streams through UBCM to support such a review, Peachland secured funding in August 2021 and began the review. The bylaw clarifies process requirements and streamlines the development approval process in Peachland.

Peachland Murals

Council approved murals for the Peachland Fire Hall and 4th Street Place and entered into an agreement with the Peachland Community Connects Society for the installation and upkeep of the murals. Work by the professional artists contracted by the Society will begin on August 12.


Council Committees

Council is seeking committee members to sit on three municipal committees:

  • Peachland Accessibility Advisory Committee
  • Peachland Climate Sustainability and Resiliency Task Force
  • Peachland Downtown Revitalization Action Advisory Task Force.

If you are interested in volunteering to sit on one of these advisory groups, please visit to find the application form in the Committees of Council policy.

Next Council Meeting

Peachland Council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, August 29, 2023 beginning at 6:00 pm. Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at Find webcasts of past meetings at