Council Highlights September 12, 2023



Council discussed its planned meeting schedule with provincial representatives at the upcoming Union of BC Municipalities Conference and reviewed the resolutions to be considered at the September 18 - 22 event in Vancouver. Mayor and Council have secured the following meetings with BC’s provincial ministers to put forward the strategic priorities of the community:

  • Tuesday, September 19 – Ministry of Child Care - To discuss provincial partnerships to improve the availability of daycare spaces in Peachland, particularly funding for a new Childcare Centre.
  • Wednesday, September 20 – Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure - To discuss Highway 97 upgrades including the Trepanier Road and Renfrew Road intersections.
  • Thursday, September 21 – Ministry of Forests - To discuss concerns about the use of the community watershed for industrial purposes, particularly forestry. The District is requesting more input into forestry licensing within the community’s watershed and free information sharing between all stakeholders.


Princeton Avenue Rezoning

Council gave third reading to a Zoning Bylaw Amendment for 4607 Princeton Avenue to allow a multi-unit development of no more than 26 residential units, 10% of the residential units must include flex units (spaces suitable for rental opportunities). The proposed rezoning is from Rural Residential to Multi-Unit Residential – Medium Density. The development would prompt a Community Amenity Contribution and frontage road improvements including a paved multi-use pathway along Princeton Avenue as well as a donation towards parkland. The application was the subject of a Public Hearing on August 29, 2023. As the property is near Highway 97, the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure must approve the proposed development before Council can consider adoption of the new bylaw.

Renfrew Road Rezoning

Council adopted an Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw and Zoning Amendment Bylaw for a development at 6575 and 6650 Renfrew Road. The number of residential units will be capped at 71, 10% of which must include flex units. The subject properties are in the Hardy Falls neighbourhood; 6650 Renfrew Road is currently vacant, and 6575 Renfrew Road has several buildings on it which will be removed. The development will include a second vehicular access from Bulyea Avenue to Sherburn Avenue. A Parks and Open Space Improvement Plan and Wildfire Mitigation Plan have been prepared and included with the covenant on this bylaw.

2024 Permissive and Statutory Tax Exemptions

Council gave first three readings to the 2024 permissive tax exemptions for the community. The Community Charter allows a municipality to adopt a Tax Exemption Bylaw each year, exempting properties from paying taxes. The District of Peachland’s Permissive Tax Exemption Policy allows Council to provide tax exemptions for properties that provide benefit to the community at large, not related to a commercial purpose. Council agreed to provide permissive tax exemptions for the following properties:

  • Peachland Wellness Centre & The Peachland Food Bank
  • Peachland Riding Club
  • Peachland Historic School
  • Peachland District Retirement Society
  • Maple Springs Bible Camp
  • The Nature Trust of BC
  • Peachland Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion
  • Okanagan Regional Library
  • Peachland Chamber of Commerce

Places of public worship are statutorily exempt from property taxes. Three Peachland churches are exempt from property taxes in 2024:

  • Peachland United Church
  • St. Margaret’s Anglican Church
  • Peachland Baptist Church

The value of exemptions for 2024 is $59,586 in permissive exemptions and $57,540 in statutory exemptions. Council was advised that a report for Council’s consideration will be brought forward outlining steps the municipality can take to reduce or eliminate the permissive tax exemption beginning in 2027.

Mural on 4th Street Place

Council approved the proposed design for another new mural to grace a Peachland public building, 4th Street Place. The Peachland Community Connects Society approached Council earlier this year to approve designs of two new murals for public buildings, to be painted this year as part of the Society’s 2023 Making Waves Mural Festival held earlier this month. Artist Jean Bradbury will be in Peachland painting the east-facing exterior wall of 4th Street Place later this month. The building is currently home to the Peachland Food Bank and Peachland Wellness Centre. Artist Shelby Willis painted Peachland’s other new mural on the Peachland Firehall in August.


Next Council Meeting

Peachland Council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, September 26, 2023 beginning at 6:00 pm. Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at Find webcasts of past meetings at