UBCM Meetings Outcomes
Mayor and Council discussed the outcomes of the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities Convention in Vancouver September 17 to 22. Peachland delegates attended study sessions, breakfast clinics, mid-size community forums, plenary sessions, provincial policy sessions, cabinet town halls, trade shows, workshops and resolution sessions. Meetings with provincial cabinet ministers and staff produced directions for investigation in the areas of childcare, transportation safety, watershed protection and wildfire prevention.
In Camera Rise and Report – Growing Communities Fund
Mayor Van Minsel rose and reported the following motion, approved during an In-Camera discussion earlier in the day:
That Council identify the following capital projects as priority projects to be funded from the Growing Communities fund:
- Road Improvements
- Turner Park Upgrades
- Sanderson Park Upgrades
- Recreation Facilities
- Child Care Facility
- Westside Trail
In April, all municipalities in BC received a one-time grant from the Province’s Growing Communities Fund; Peachland’s portion is $2.7 million.
Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw
Council adopted Bylaw No. 2395, Subdivision and Development Servicing (SDS) Bylaw. As part of Peachland’s Development Approvals Process Review, the SDS Bylaw has been reviewed to ensure that the bylaw is consistent with other changes made as part of the broader review, address items that should be changed to be consistent with best practices in terms of procedures, and to address minor technical items. The revisions make the bylaw easier to administer and increase the efficiency of the approval process.
Fire Prevention in Bylaw Updates
Council adopted bylaw changes with fire prevention in mind, prohibiting the sale of cedar trees, bushes or shrubs and fireworks within Peachland boundaries. Peachland Fire Chief Dennis Craig recommended the changes to the Business License Bylaw and the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw. Cedar bushes and shrubs are very susceptible to embers, and they ignite easily. When planted near a structure, the risk of fire for that structure is high. FireSmart BC provides guidance to property owners regarding fire-resistant plants; Cedrous family plants have a “Highest Risk” identification for fire hazards.
Temporary Use Permit – Beach Avenue
Council agreed to grant a Temporary Use Permit for three years to allow the property owners of 4124 Beach Avenue to occupy a recreational vehicle on the property, as they have been doing for several years. The District’s bylaws do not allow for this use on that property and a bylaw complaint prompted this permit request.
Next Council Meeting
Peachland Council’s next regular meeting is Tuesday, November 14, 2023 beginning at 6 pm. Keep informed; subscribe to get news and event information emailed directly to you at Find webcasts of past meetings at
Remembrance Day
Join Mayor and Council at the community Remembrance Day ceremony, Saturday, November 11 beginning at 10:30 am at Cenotaph Park on Beach Avenue and 2nd Street.