BC Legislation Changes

Published April 22, 2024

Provincial Planning Legislation Changes 2024

PRINTABLE: BC Planning Leg Changes 2024 (pdf)


On November 1, 2023, the Province of BC announced sweeping new planning regulations as part of the Homes for People Action Plan created to encourage more housing options within BC communities by establishing a more efficient and effective process.

By June 30, 2024, all BC municipalities are required to amend their zoning bylaws to support the Province’s vision of more homes for families, seniors, young people and more. By December 31, 2025, Official Community Plans must be amended to reflect new legislative requirements and the updated zoning bylaws.

Municipalities WILL NOT be allowed to hold public hearings for rezonings for projects that align with the OCP and predominately offer residential development.

New Provincial Legislation


Bill 44 requires all municipalities with a population over 5,000 to amend zoning regulations to allow up to four units on all serviced (water and sewer) residential lots currently zoned for single-detached or duplex dwellings. These changes to the Zoning Bylaw must be made by June 30, 2024. The District’s Planning Department anticipates providing information at a Council meeting in May regarding the provincial changes and the plan to implement the required changes in the District of Peachland.

Timeline for Peachland's BILL 44-Related Changes
  • Undertaking an analysis of Peachland properties impacted by the new small-scale, multi-unit housing legislation.
  • Update new designated zones in Peachland’s Zoning Bylaw in adherence with the Provincial standards.
  • Present updated Zoning Bylaw to Council for three readings, anticipated in June 2024. In accordance with the new legislation, a public hearing will not be held, and a notice of waiver of a public hearing will be provided in accordance with the process set out in the Local Government Act. Adoption of the new Zoning Bylaw amendments to follow at a subsequent meeting.
  • By December 31, 2025, update Peachland’s Official Community Plan to reflect new legislative requirements and the updated Zoning Bylaw. The new legislation requires a municipality to prepare a Housing Needs Report by January 1, 2025. Peachland completed its Housing Needs Assessment in September 2023 and anticipates minor updates being required to satisfy the new legislation.


Peachland’s short-term rental, or Bed and Breakfast, regulations are already in line with the new provincial legislation and won’t need to be updated. Effective May 1, 2024, Bill 35 - Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act requires short-term rental hosts to display a valid business licence number on listings and join a provincial short-term rental registry. Rentals must also be located within the host’s principal residence.

Peachland already requires that homeowners offering B&Bs or short-term rentals acquire a business licence to operate. Suites or B&Bs must also be located within the homeowner’s principal residence, ie: no short-term rental of the entire home or garden suite.

Find out more about the Province's Homes For People Action Plan, visit https://strongerbc.gov.bc.ca/housing/


Does not apply to Peachland. The District of Peachland is NOT one of the 31 identified BC municipalities that are required to designate Transit-Oriented Areas (TOAs) and adopt minimum allowable densities prescribed in Bill 47 – Housing Statutes (Transit-Oriented Development) Amendment Act.


To help municipalities cover the costs associated with increased demands on core infrastructure and services that development can bring, Bill 46 Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act introduced a new development financing tool for municipalities, Amenity Cost Charges, and expanded the scope of Development Cost Charges (DCCs). The District will be commencing a review of the DCC Bylaw and Amenity Contribution Policy in 2024.


Under Bill 44, municipalities are not allowed to hold public hearings if:
  • The zoning bylaw amendment aligns with the Official Community Plan;
  • The zoning bylaw amendment is intended to facilitate residential development; and
  • At least half of all structures in the development are designated for housing.

Public notice and consultation are still required for zoning amendment applications but will occur earlier in the application process to allow more time for feedback to be obtained. Public hearing requirements for Official Community Plan amendments are unchanged by Bill 44 and are still required in the District of Peachland.


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