Utility Billing

Utility Billing


Go paperless! Have your utility bill sent by email. Contact the Finance Department.

View your utility bills online. Visit Online Services, register with our account number and accesscode. You can view all your transactions and accountinformation, including your water usage.

Water Rates 2023

  • SINGLE FAMILY HOME: $101 per quarter base fee plus $.59 per cubic meter under 400 cubic meters, and $.74 per cubic meter over 400 cubic meters
  • MULTI-FAMILY HOMES: Based on meter size, starting at $120 per quarter plus $.49 per cubic metre
  • AGRICULTURAL: $.11 per cubic meter

Questions about Peachland's Water Meter Program? Visit Water Meter Program - FAQ


Payment Options

  • Tele-banking or Internet through your bank or credit union. Talk with your financial institution about how to arrange this.
  • Mail cheque or money order to The District of Peachland, 5806 Beach Ave, Peachland, BC, V0H 1X7. Please allow enough time for mailed remittances to reach us by the due date.
  • Drop in our night deposit slot at the front door of the Municipal Office. Please do not leave cash.
  • Pay in person by cheque, cash or bank card. Credit Cards are not accepted.
  • You can have your payment taken out of your bank account on the due date. Simply apply to authorize withdrawal from your bank account Pre-Authorization Payment Plan Application Form

To help process your payment quickly and accurately, please:

  • Make cheques or money orders payable to: The District of Peachland.
  • Record your account number on the front of your cheque or money order.
  • Present your entire bill when paying in person at office.
  • Include your remittance copy when paying your bill by mail or when using the door slot.

Due Dates

The due date for utilities is 30 days following the date of invoice.

Payments made past the due date are subject to a late penalty of 5% on the current quarterly billing.

Service Charges for Returned Cheques

Cheques returned by your financial institution are subject to a $27.00 service charge and will be applied to your account.

Understanding Your Water Bill

The District reads and records metered water usage for residences and businesses throughout Peachland. Every 3 months, you will receive a water bill detailing your water usage and estimated water bill for the period. The water bill is comprised of the following:

  • account number and service address
  • billing date
  • billing period (Jan to March, April to June, July to September, October to December)
  • current reading and previous reading
  • consumption during billing period (in cubic meters)
  • base rate ($101 per quarter for single family, varies for multi-family, commercial, industrial and agricultural users)
  • consumption charge (consumption x consumption rate)
  • graph of consumption history by quarter.

Questions about your Utility Bill? Email Finance or call 250-767-2647.

One litre of bottled water costs about $1.50. In general, sustainable water operations can be achieved for around $1 per m3. That's 1,000 litres of water! The average household in BC uses 26,500 litres (26.5 m3) of water a month. Fixing a dripping tap can save up to 1,300 litres of water per month and prevent water damage in the home. That's enough to fill more than 7 bathtubs. Turning off water when you shave, brush your teeth and wash your face can save 5 - 10 litres per minute.