What Do I Need To Get A Building Permit?


Digital copies of plans, forms, and documents are being requested for quicker processing and benefits to the environment. Digital copies need to be in PDF format, and can be submitted on a USB drive or emailed. You may still submit paper copies in person, but digital copies, either in the form of a USB or email, will be required along with the paper copy when possible.

  • TITLE SEARCH - A Title Certificate dated within 30 days plus any relevant easement, covenant, or right-of-way documents identified. This information can be found using an online title search company such as Land Titles Office or Speedy Search.
  • SEPTIC APPROVAL - If City sewer connections are not available. Please contact Interior Health for more information as they are the regulating agency. A report by a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner (ROWP) may be required.
  • LEGAL DESCRIPTION - Provide legal description and/or civic address.
  • TRUSS DETAILS - Provide a digital copy of the engineered truss layouts including engineered details (if applicable) from the company supplying the trusses.
  • HOME PROTECTION ACT REQUIREMENTS – If you are the builder, you need to submit the registration form for verification of Residential Builder Licence and proof of Home Warranty insurance at application stage. If you are the owner builder, you need to submit the declaration and disclosure notice form at application stage.
  • SITE PLANS - provide a digital copy of all site plans scaled 1:100 or 1:250 metric; 1/8"=1'-00" or 1/16"=1'-00" imperial indicating the following information:
  • Lot shape and size with setbacks of the building to the property line.
  • Show decks, projections, cantilevers
  • Driveway location, existing and/or proposed
  • Septic system, well location (if applicable)


Provide a digital copy of complete drawings in metric or imperial which indicate the following information:
  • Foundation and Floor Plans
  • Typical Cross sections and
  • Construction Details
  • Elevations
(Additional information may be requested during the building permit process.)


There are no restrictions on who can create working drawings*. However, hiring a professional house designer or Architect can ensure that the information is complete and allows for a quicker processing time. See attached sample layout for an example of the minimum standards and information required to make a building permit application.

*(An Architect is required when the footprint area exceeds 600 sq m, when a building is more than 3 storeys in height and when the building is intended for an assembly use.)