Capital Projects

Capital Projects

Turner Park Upgrade

In April 2023 Turner Park was closed for construction to replace the infield material on the remaining baseball diamond and remediate the turf on the playing field. There will also be some work done to upgrade the irrigation system and run a new water line to the existing washroom to make it ready for use when the park reopens this fall(once the newly planted grass has taken hold).

Project Background

The land for Turner Park, located at 6114 Turner Avenue, was acquired by the District of Peachland on March 30, 2021. The 3.34 hectare (8.26 acre) property was formerly owned by School District #23 and is one of the only remaining undeveloped properties able to accommodate athletic fields and other park amenities requiring flat land. The District of Peachland is looking to dispose of the lower site of the property fronting Princeton Avenue, which leaves a balance of 2.25 hectares (5.5 acres) available for parkland. The Turner Park Concept Plan will build on the findings of the 2018 Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the 2020 Community Park Concept Plan: Sanderson, Heritage and Cousins Park to:

  • Assess community needs and desires for park space and amenities;
  • Identify the need for future amenities relative to use trends, population growth, and demographics;
  • Assess feasibility for park development;
  • Create concept drawings (30% working drawings); and
  • Provide recommendations for implementation including cost projections, phasing and potential funding sources. Infrastructure updates that have been completed are;

Swim Bay Flood Mitigation 2023

The flood mitigation project at Swim Bay, begun in the spring and completed in late July, involved the installation of rip-rap, anchored logs, V-logs and rock groynes (a shore protection structure built perpendicular to the shoreline). The project aims to re-establish a more natural shoreline that historically broke waves. New landscaping and irrigation and re-decking of the T-dock was also completed. This flood mitigation project is grant-funded and will protect critical infrastructure including Beach Avenue, underground utilities, retaining walls, docks and accessibility ramps.

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