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Bylaw Enforcement

Good neighbours make great neighbourhoods

We each play a role in enhancing our neighbourhoods and contributing to our community in a helpful and positive way.

The Good Neighbour Guide has been written in support of Peachland’s desire to enhance the quality of life for its citizens, promote civic responsibility and encourage good relationships between neighbours. It contains a brief summary of key bylaws that are often referenced by citizens.

As individuals, we each have rights and responsibilities to our community and fellow citizens, and no bylaw can regulate common sense and consideration. Respect for others is important to being a good neighbour, and in many cases, a casual conversation between neighbours is the best way to address a neighbourhood concern.

When a conversation isn’t possible, please contact Bylaw Enforcement:

Phone: 250-767-3710

Thank you for making Peachland a great place to live, work and play.

Adobe PDF Good Neighbour Guide
Adobe PDF Good Neighbour Bylaw No. 2178

General Guide to Bylaw Enforcement

  • District bylaws are intended to maintain community standards which contribute to improving the quality of experience for everyone
  • While there are certain areas of enforcement that are safety related and require proactive enforcement, the majority of the bylaws are enforced on a complaint only basis.
  • Bylaws are enforced through the Bylaw Notice Enforcement Bylaw

Bylaw Enforcement Guidelines

  • Bylaw Enforcement services extend beyond basic administration and enforcement of municipal bylaws to promoting increased compliance through public awareness and education
  • Reasonable attempts will be made to secure voluntary compliance prior to initiating any manner of enforcement action
  • Enforcement action will be entertained where there exists a clearly identified complainant who is directly affected by the alleged violation.

How to register a Complaint

  • Submit the form to the Bylaw Enforcement Officer
  • Forms are available at the District of Peachland Municipal Hall (Also available on the web-site)
  • Forms will be processed and assigned a Tracking Number
  • Only completed forms will be accepted
  • If additional information is required you will be contacted by our Bylaw Enforcement Officer
  • Complaints of a serious nature will receive priority

How to Dispute a Bylaw Violation

The District of Peachland participates in the Southern Interior Bylaw Notice Adjudication Program to address most minor bylaw violation.

Those wishing to dispute Bylaw Notices must do so by completing the dispute/request for adjudication section on the back of the Notice and submitting it to the District of Peachland in person, by mail, fax or email within 14 days of issuance.

Disputes will follow a three step process:

1. The individual disputing their Bylaw Notice (disputant) will speak with a Screening Officer. This officer will review the Bylaw Notice and revoke it if appropriate.

2. If the screening officer upholds the Bylaw Notice, the disputant can choose to pay it, or have it forwarded to an adjudicator. If the disputant chooses the adjudication process, they will be notified of what to do to present their case, and informed that they can do so in writing, by phone, or in person.

3. A date, time and location for an adjudication will be provided to the disputant and the hearing will be conducted at Kelowna City Hall. Independent adjudicators will determine whether a bylaw infraction did or did not occur. If the adjudicator upholds the infraction, the full penalty will be applied as well as an adjudication fee of $25. If the adjudicator determines that no bylaw violation has occurred, no fine or adjudication fee will be applied.

Good Neighbour Guide