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Peachland's Active Transportation Network Plan
Council approved the 2023 Active Transportation Network Plan as a guiding framework for future improvements to Peachland's pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. The District received grant funding from the BC Active Transportation Grant Program to develop the plan and will implement recommendations as funding opportunities become available and development occurs. June 13, 2023 Council Report Active Transportation Network Plan BACKGROUND:In 2022, the District was successful in receiving grant funding from the BC Active Transportation Grant Program to develop an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP).
The main objective of this project has been to create a conceptual community-wide framework to improve connectivity for active transportation modes throughout Peachland (e.g. walking and cycling), as funding opportunities become available and development occurs over time.
The project team has been comprised of active transportation engineers and planners from Urban Systems, as well as Peachland’s Planning & Development, Engineering, Operations and Community Services departments. The project team has also included a local Trail of the Okanagans Society representative, who provided valuable contributions while helping to ensure the ATNP aligns with the inter-regional trail system.
COMMUNITY INPUT:Last summer, the project team began gathering community input about Peachland’s Active Transportation infrastructure. Two pop-up booths were assembled on Beach Avenue during the Canada Day long weekend to share project information and receive community feedback. Printed and online surveys with an interactive online map were published online, resulting in over 200 completed surveys.
The Active Transportation (AT) project team then reviewed and summarized all of the feedback received and began the process of drafting an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). Using this public feedback, the team has relied upon best engineering practice from North America, provincial design standards, existing local plans, while applying localized AT solutions suitable for Peachland’s unique geography.
Approving this concept-level ATNP is a key prerequisite for capital project grant eligibility, and an important first step required to apply for provincial grants to fund the construction of AT infrastructure. Most projects in the ATNP will require more detailed level of discussion and design, prior to construction.
Going forward, some AT infrastructure will be paid for by private developers through site and neighbourhood improvements, where applicable. The Planning department has provided valuable feedback into drafting the ATNP, to help ensure future development applications consider and incorporate AT connections and improvements.The District’s Planning, Engineering and Operations departments have also collaborated in drafting the ATNP. When funding opportunities become available to improve or expand local infrastructure, the ATNP will be a reference tool. The ATNP will help to guide those improvements to ensure pedestrians and cyclists are supported on roadways, parks and other public facilities, wherever feasible.
The ATNP will be a valuable tool in strategic Highway safety discussions with the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MoTI). The ATNP highlights the importance for MoTI to expand AT connectivity and safety along Highway 97, including prioritizing safe pedestrian/cyclist highway crossings as MoTI designs future highway improvements.
The ATNP also aligns with plans for the “Westside Trail” project, a key link in an inter-regional “Trail of the Okanagans” project that has gained interest and support from Infrastructure Canada. Administration will be providing an update to Council on that project this coming summer.
The Community Engagement Summary can be read by clicking here: Community Engagement Summary
Parks and Recreation Master Plan 2018-2028
The Parks and Recreation Master Plan was adopted at the January 23, 2018 regular Council Meeting as the foundation for decision making on parks and recreation matters. It describes how the District can face the challenge of providing quality leisure services during the next ten (10) years and beyond.
Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Appendix A: Community Survey Results and Focus Group Notes
Appendix B: Peachland Parks and Trail Standards
Appendix C: Parks and Trails Maps
Appendix D: Detailed Facility Assessment
Parks Plan - Heritage, Cousins and Sanderson Parks
The Parks Plan commenced on July 27, 2018, with the goal to undertake concept design work for Heritage, Cousins and Sanderson Parks. The project was intended to build on the findings of the 2018 Parks and Recreation Master Plan to determine highest and best use of these spaces, assess feasibility for parks amenities and development, and make recommendations for implementation. The Community Parks Concept Plan and Phasing Schedule for Heritage, Cousins and Sanderson Parks was approved on December 10, 2019. The final document was presented to Council on February 11, 2020. This plan is intended to be a resource for Council and staff to consider for future parks amenities and related grant application. Phasing schedule is dependent upon final project approval from Council.