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It’s hard to believe, but the Okanagan has the lowest per-capital water supply in Canada. Despite our abundance of lakes, most of our water comes from the seasonal snowpack in upstream lakes and streams. Conserving water is necessary to ensure our supply remains healthy.
Peachland has two watersheds, the Trepanier Creek watershed and the Peachland Creek watershed. See what Peachland is doing to protect its water sources at Infrastructure Planning & Asset Management.
Peachland Water Sources
Brenda Lake
Brenda Lake is located about 30 kilometres northwest of the town of Peachland up Princeton Avenue.
- Elevation 1,646 metres
- 22 hectares in size; depth six metres
- Stocked with rainbow trout. May ice over November to mid-May
Glen Lake
Glen Lake is approximately 1,144 elevation, 14 metres depth and 1.8 kilometres perimeter.
McDonald Lake is a small, shallow lake northwest of the Brenda Mine. Lake water is slightly alkaline and relatively soft, with low levels of trace metals; sediments with elevated cadmium and copper, thought to be related to mineralization in the area.
Peachland Lake
- Elevation 4,150
- Approximately 109 hectares
- Its outlet is dammed and releases to lower Peachland Creek. Peachland Lake water is relatively soft, with low levels of trace metals. Two species of fish, rainbow trout and longnose suckers are in Peachland Lake. The lake is stocked each year with 3,000 yearling rainbow trout.
Located 9 kilometres west of Peachland. The Silver Lake Forestry Centre was opened in 1971 and has been in continuous use since that Silver Lake Camp provides recreational and educational opportunities for children and adults.
Silver Lake Camp
Silver Lake Dam is located on the south east side of Silver Lake. The height of the dam is up to about 6 m and the width of the dam is about 30 m. The storage capacity of the lake is 456.06 acre foot (AF). The earth-filled dam was originally constructed during the mid 1920's. Re-construction of the Silver Lake Dam was done in the fall of 1980. Silver Lake currently acts as emergency storage for the Trepanier Water Supply System.
Silver Lake is dammed on the southeast side and acts as emergency storage for the Trepanier Water Supply System. The height of the dam is up to about 6 metres and the width of the dam is about 30 metres. The storage capacity of the lake is 456.06 acre foot (AF). The earth-filled dam was originally constructed during the mid 1920's. Re-construction of the Silver Lake Dam was done in the fall of 1980.
Emergency Water System – Okanagan Lake
Peachland’s emergency pumps are located at the north end of Beach Avenue and used during peak spring runoff. Water is pumped up from Okanagan Lake and chlorinated immediately for Trepanier Water Users. The Emergency system consists of 3 pumps: #1 and #2 are 250 HP and provide 1,200 GPM. #3 is 60 HP and provides 300 GPM. The large pump costs approximately $1,000 per week to run and is used during peak spring run-off mid-May to mid-June.
The District of Peachland does not have any operating wells.
Trepanier Creek
Trepanier Creek flows southeast into Okanagan Lake supplies all of the Trepanier area and downtown Peachland. It is abundant, high quality over-wintering fisheries habitat but very little by way of spawning habitat.
Greata Creek
Greata Creek flows east into Peachland Creek and has a drainage area of 40.7 km2
Deep Creek (Peachland Creek)
Deep Creek, also known as Peachland Creek, supplies all of the area south and west of downtown Peachland. It flows in a v-shaped valley with steeply sloping, forested sides. The creek falls from elevation 4,075 feet at Peachland Lake Dam, to elevation 1,123 feet at Okanagan Lake in a distance of 15.2 miles.