Home Based Business

Many types of home based businesses are permitted in the District of Peachland. The Zoning Bylaw and the Business Licence Bylaw regulate home businesses by type, the number of expected customers and employees, and the amount of space required within your home to operate the business. Businesses that require many employees, large amounts of space, or generate increased traffic are generally not suitable for a home based business. Anyone operating a business from their home within District boundaries must obtain an annual business licence.

Home Based Businesses are divided into the following three (3) categories:
  • Type I - Minor Home Based Business
  • Type II - Major Home Based Business
  • Type III - Rural Home Based Business

General Regulations For All Home Based Businesses

    1) A Home Based Business must be operated at the Licencee's principal residence.

    2) The Home Based Business shall be operated as an accessory use only and shall not change the character or external appearance of the principle dwelling involved.

    3) There shall be no external storage of display of materials, equipment or finished products.

    4) There shall be no mechanical or electrical equipment used that creates any external noise or any interference with electronic equipment in adjacent buildings.

    5) Home Based Businesses that discharge or emit odorous or noxious matters or vapours, smoke, dust, heat, glare, radiation or recurrently generated vibrations are not permitted.

    6) There shall be no generation of vehicular traffic or parking of vehicles in excess of that permitted for and customary to the zone in which the Home Based Business is located.

    7) All parking relating to the Home Based Business, including customers and staff, must be accommodated within the lot on which the Home Based Business is located, and parking spots must be clearly marked

    8) Parking spaces identified for the Home Based Business are for the exclusive use of the business and do not count toward the parking requirements for a principal dwelling , Secondary Suite, or Garden Suite

    9) The required number of parking spaces for a Home Based Business are as follows:

    Home Based Business Type Required Parking Spaces
    Type I One (1)
    Type II Two (2)
    Type III Four (4)

    10) The maximum number of patrons permitted at a Home Based Business at any one time are as follows:

    Home Based Business Type Maximum Number of Patrons
    Type I Two (2)
    Type II Four (4)
    Type III Eight (8)

    11) Any Home Based Business that represents a fire hazard by virtue of the manufacturing process or materials storage is prohibited.

    Type I - Minor Home Based Business

    A Minor Home Based Business is permitted in any Zone permitting a residential dwelling unit provided that:

      1) The use of the premises for a Home Based Business shall be confined to the incidental use of a telephone or device for accessing the internet and records pertaining directly to that business;

      2) No goods are to be displayed, stored or sold on the premises;

      3) No alterations are made which change the character of the dwelling; and

      4) The Home Based Business is conducted by a resident or residents of the dwelling unit to which the Home Based Business is accessory.

    Type II - Major Home Based Business

    A Major Home Based Business is permitted in any Zone permitting either a single detached dwelling or a duplex provided that:

      1) The Home Based Business shall be entirely enclosed within the dwelling unit or a permitted accessory building;

      2) The Home Based Business shall not occupy more than 25% of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit and in no case shall the combined area of the principal dwelling and the accessory building used to accommodate the Home Based Business exceed 50 sq m (538 sq ft); and

      3) The Home Based Business shall be conducted by a resident or residents of the dwelling unit to which the Home Based Business is accessory and may employ a maximum of one (1) non-resident person.

    Type III - Rural Home Based Business

    A Rural Home Based Business is permitted in the Agricultural and Rural Residential Zones provided that:

      1) The lot size has an area equal to or greater than 0.8 ha (2.0ac);

      2) The Home Based Business shall be entirely enclosed within the dwelling unit or a permitted accessory building;

      3) The area used to carry out the Home Based Business shall not exceed 100 sq m (1,076 sq ft); and

      4) The Home Based Business shall be conducted by a resident or residents of the dwelling unit to which the Home Based Business is accessory and may employ a maximum of two (2) non-resident persons.